Automated Outbound Closing Updates Keep Everyone In The Know


When working with clients on a real estate transaction, you must strike a balance with the communications you send. If you don’t communicate enough, they could get frustrated by not feeling they are being kept in the loop. But if you send too many communications, they could get annoyed. Alanna can help you strike this balance and make every closing a breeze. With customized automated closing updates, everyone can be informed as much as they want to be.

Allow Clients To Choose What Reminders They Receive

When you show your clients the benefits of Alanna, it’s like showing them a personal assistant to guide them through the closing process. Every client is unique in what is important to them. Some don’t want to know anything unless action is required. Others want to know exactly when every step of the process occurs, even if no action is required on their part. Alanna provides them with the ability to choose which communications they receive throughout the closing process. This makes communications more effective since clients will receive exactly what they ask for.

What Types Of Messages Can Alanna Send?

The beginning of the closing process introduces Alanna to clients and briefly explains how she will be their assistant. Most of the time the first communication involves a link to a Smart Form, which is simply an information sheet to gather the necessary information to be used throughout the closing process. Once that is filled out, clients can customize their communication preferences. Examples of messages clients can choose to receive include Earnest Money Received, Commitment Issued, Closing Date & Time Scheduled, a Closing Appointment Reminder, Docs Recorded & Policy Issued, and more. These customized communications will be more impactful since clients can choose whether they want to see them or not.

Add More Clients With Post-Closing Communications

Whether a customer is excited about the exceptional closing experience they just received or angry about the hour of traffic they just sat through to get there, that emotion will come through in their customer review. With Alanna, title companies can include post-closing communications into their strategy to encourage clients to write online reviews or take a survey about their experience promptly following their closing. This type of communication allows title companies to understand how well their process is working, while also capitalizing on the post-closing high clients experience. is the developer of the title industry’s only conversational AI technology capable of holding complex conversations with clients via SMS text or web chat. Learn more about how she can keep your clients informed throughout the process to create a smooth closing experience.