Add On-Demand Closing Communication with Alanna’s Instantaneous Text/Chat Replies

Conversational AI

Maintaining strong communication with clients is often easier said than done for title companies. When you have to shuffle through stacks of papers all day, it can be burdensome to send reminder emails and make phone calls. And when you do, it’s not always a guarantee that your client will respond timely. So what is the solution to this common problem? Alanna’s conversational AI is a great place to start.

An issue many title companies have is not having updated title technology, which can hold them back in many ways. When effective communication is so important in the real estate industry, you can’t afford to be behind the times. With Alanna, you can provide on-demand answers to clients to keep the process moving forward.

Get Quicker Responses Via Text Message

When you make a phone call to a client during business hours, they have to disrupt their day to answer it or call you back.This often leads to one of businesses most frustrating games- phone tag. Eliminate communication lags with Alanna’s conversational AI. You can send clients quick reminders via text message and have a better chance of receiving a quick response. Most people can look at their phones and send a quick message during the day, which can go a long way in speeding up the closing process.

Clients Can Enjoy 24/7 Assistance

You will have clients who work the same business hours as your title company, and therefore struggle to contact your office within a timely manner. The good news is Alanna has extended office hours. Clients can text questions 24/7, and Alanna responds instantaneous. Clients can receive the information and clarification at the exact moment they need it, which makes for an excellent client experience.

Alanna Can Have Conversations With Clients

Alanna’s conversational AI abilities make her unique from chatbots that struggle to understand basic meaning. Since she is tied to your title production system, clients can ask both general and specific questions and will receive the same answers they would if they talked to a human. She understands clients’ intent and doesn’t rely on specific scripts to have a conversation. There are only very few situations where Alanna will suggest waiting until business hours to speak to a staff member to handle an inquiry. is the developer of the title industry’s only conversational AI technology capable of holding complex conversations with clients via SMS text or web chat. Learn more about how she can streamline the closing process while enhancing the client experience.