A Brand Ambassador to Represent Your Title Company

Conversational AI

The real estate industry is highly competitive no matter where you’re located throughout the country. Standing out among the competition means doing the little things right, while also going above and beyond with customer service. No matter how great your employees are, sometimes there simply isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done. That’s where Alanna and her conversational AI abilities can help put your company over the top. She will be the brand ambassador you didn’t even know you needed. Immediately, you will see the benefits.

Market Your Title Company And Boost Your Brand Recognition

Clients want to be associated with brands that share similar beliefs as them. Your customized Alanna can be a brand ambassador, marketing your title company’s beliefs. So when clients, real estate agents, or lenders see your Alanna image, they know exactly who they are dealing with. Choose the name and image of your Alanna wisely since it will become one of the most recognizable facets of your title company.

Creative Marketing Materials To Introduce Your “Alanna”

Chatbots and other similar tools have given conversational AI a bad name. So you need to have marketing materials that stand out and explain why your Alanna is different and better. Our team can help you design marketing materials unique to your company so you can clearly highlight the benefits of engaging with your Alanna. The right title tech tools can make companies stand out in a crowded market and that’s exactly what your Alanna will do for you.

Use Your “Alanna” How You Need To Help Your Company Grow

The opportunities to use your Alanna are endless. You can advertise her on social media platforms, in print marketing, email marketing, and much more. Give potential clients a little taste of her conversational AI abilities so they can see for themselves how she can help. Real estate agents will rely on your custom Alanna significantly to help boost their reputation as well. Creating a winning  situation for everyone involved can boost your title company’s reputation, and that’s what your Alanna is all about. As a brand ambassador, she can work 24/7 to help you and your clients succeed.

Alanna.ai is the developer of the title industry’s only conversational AI technology capable of holding complex conversations with clients via SMS text or web chat. Learn more about how your Alanna can become the brand ambassador you’ve always wanted to hire.