So Many Ways to Say Thank You! Work these into your Post-Marketing Plan

So Many Ways to Say Thank You

Most title agents send thank you notes to their real estate and lender clients, but there are many more ways to show your appreciation to your clients to ensure that you stay top of mind when that next transaction comes through.

In the days and weeks following the successful conclusion of a transaction, your agency is at the forefront for your clients, but as the weeks go by memory fades, so while the immediate thank you note is necessary, further outreaches should be spread out over time consistently to keep that memory alive.

Here are a few ideas.

Provide educational opportunities

Nothing says “I am interested in your career” more than investing in the future success of your clients through well-planned and interesting educational programs. Schedule sessions at regular intervals so your clients get accustomed to attending.

We have all attended great educational sessions and we know what works and what bombs. Make sure you do the following:

  • Base the session topic on info your clients have expressed an interest in
  • Make sure your speaker is interesting, entertaining and knowledgeable
  • Provide handouts they can use as references in the future
  • Be organized and professional, no off-the-cuff presentations

Make it personal

Develop a relationship with your clients, whether that means inviting them for coffee, hosting a monthly meet-up for several clients, checking in to see if they are attending upcoming meetings that you are going to be at, or hosting an outing to a favorite destination – always following the RESPA regulations of course!

Share market updates

While you may want to avoid constant intrusions into your clients email boxes, make sure you are sharing significant information with them, whether that is businesses moving to town, new construction announcements, research studies on buying and selling trends, proposed legislation in your state that affects real estate transactions, or other real estate information that may have an impact on their market.

Celebrate your clients

There are many ways to celebrate your clients. Send a birthday card, anniversary card or holiday card to let them know you are thinking about them. Pay attention to what is happening in their world. If they expand operation, win an award, or earn some special recognition make sure you send them a congratulatory note.

Plan one or two events each year, for instance a Cabin Fever party to catch up in the slow season, a Spring Fling to kick off the buying season, or a Wrap Up the Year party at the end of the year to thank them for their business.

While these are all opportunities to show your clients you appreciate their business, Alanna also keeps you in front of these clients with our Campaigns capability, which could include post-transaction marketing programs; another way to keep you top of mind.

In addition to our marketing programs, Alanna takes care of your clients from start to finish, collecting and processing buyer and seller information, answering general or file specific questions, and keeping everyone up to date on progress and important dates throughout the transaction. Call us today to learn more!