Six Ways To Keep Existing Clients Engaged

Keeping Clients Engaged

One of the many famous sales aphorisms is that it is cheaper to keep an existing customer than to get a new one. And statistics weigh heavily in favor of how much easier it is to get orders from existing or former customers than to try to develop new sources of business.

That is not to imply that you should not make every effort to get new customers, but more to emphasize the importance of maintaining relationships with the customers who already have a history with you.

Here are a few suggestions for keeping all of your customers engaged so that you are top of mind for future transactions.

Post transaction follow up

This is a no brainer for title agents but do make sure you are following up each transaction with a sincere note of thanks. And make it personal, highlighting the success of the transaction or honoring some way in which the real estate agent went the extra mile for their clients.

Also, always ask for feedback. This could be in the form of a quick online survey or inviting them to post an online review of your services.

Consistent marketing campaign

Take the time to create a consistent marketing campaign for all of your previous clients. This is one of the many areas in which Alanna shines, as we can create mass text messaging marketing campaigns that focus on client retention as well as new business.

Stay connected on social media

Responding to your client’s social media posts, congratulating them on their milestones, and sharing their posts is a terrific way to build a relationship with a client and show them that you sincerely care about their success. 

Share important market updates and industry news

Mining local real estate news for important updates and sharing that information with your customers shows that you are aware of what is happening in the local market and invested in their future success. Sending them interesting industry news or how to articles you know they will enjoy can also let them know you are thinking about them and the important work they do.

Go where they go

Attending local community and association gatherings cements your reputation as someone who really cares about the community and about your clients. It also allows you to keep your ear to the ground about upcoming developments, changing demographics in the various neighborhoods, and business growth or new investments that could result in an influx of homebuyers portending future opportunities for your agency.

Make that call

There are two great reasons to call a client: one, to ask for more business and two, to ask for referrals. If you are feeling a little reluctant to make the call, bolster your confidence by having something of value to offer. Perhaps you can tell them about someone new on the staff who offers new expertise you want them to know about. If you have expanded your coverage area with a new satellite office or notarial services with greater reach, you may want to highlight that. If you have not done remote closings with that customer but have that expertise, that can be the focus of the conversation.

Staying connected with your clients helps to strengthen those relationships over time so that you become the first call they make when they acquire a new client. 

In addition to our post-transaction marketing programs, Alanna takes care of your clients from start to finish, collecting and processing buyer and seller information, answering general or file specific questions, and keeping everyone up to date on progress and important dates throughout the transaction. Call us today to learn more!