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“Over the past 120 days Alanna has been able to address 176 requests for wire instructions, Seller net sheets and Buyer closing costs estimates. All of these requests were done with no human interaction on the Cottrell side. We equate each one of these requests to 7 minutes of uninterrupted work time when human interaction is involved. Meaning, it takes a Cottrell team member 7 minutes to create a seller net sheet, a buyer closing cost estimate or to fulfill a wire instruction request. 176 x 7 minutes = 1,232 minutes or 20.5 hours saved because of Alanna and we haven’t even cracked the surface with awareness yet.

More importantly and harder to quantify are the opportunity cost savings my team has for the increased closing experience value they can add by offering an additional 20.5 hours of personal interaction with our Buyer, Seller, Real Estate Agent and Lender partners along with the increased brand awareness Cottrell is getting in our market for offering a customer service resource that responds and answers these questions/requests immediately.”