Want to improve communication with your customers? Hire a listener!

Listening Customer Service - alanna

There are few industries that require as much information sharing as the title insurance industry. The communication web between buyer, real estate agent, seller, lender, title company, escrow officer is a superhighway of exchanges from the time a buyer makes an offer until the deal is closed. Title agents often hold the key to successfully

Want to improve communication with your customers? Hire a listener! Read More »

Breaking Down the Communication Paradigm in the Title Industry

Breaking down the communication paradigm in the title industry

Customer communication is considered important in most industries, but it is truly foundational in the title insurance industry. In addition to the traditional idea of communication as a sales tool or a as an important aspect of customer service, title agents know that communication is critical to actually creating the title insurance product and the

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Selling at the Closing Table: Cementing the Opportunity for Future Deals

Selling at the Closing Table

In 2008, at the height of the Great Recession, the federal government, consumer organizations and the financial services industry itself all found themselves asking, “How did this happen?”  Every segment of the real estate industry as well as Wall Street were suddenly under a microscope, as investigators tried to pinpoint the weaknesses in the system. 

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